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The sharp mouth and monkey cheeks lay down on the ground again trying to pick up all the organs that fell on the ground but he picked up the heart and lost the kidneys and they couldn t get them back su ruoxing looked at.

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Second treasure putong putong their legs and feet went limp and they all knelt on the ground dabao also got out from somewhere short oil it s not chinese new year yet let s kneel down and pray for the new year it turned.

Out that it was dabao who quietly injected needles into the legs and feet of the thugs while they were in a daze making them temporarily unable to walk mommy little xingchen ran towards su ruoxing qiao zhanchen quickly.

At the hotel su ruoxing who escaped from death cherished the time with the three little babies even more I don t want to be separated from them for a moment qiao zhanchen felt like an outsider watching his beloved woman.

Being entangled by children she didn t even look at her there is time for him he raised his wrist and looked at his watch it s getting late dabao and erbao xiao xingchen go home first no dabao took the lead to retort.

Mummy said let s relax here with her didn t dabao mean the environment here not bad do you want to stay a few more days qiao zhanchen touched his tall nose with his slender fingertips to hide his dissatisfaction with his.

Son he wants to stay a few more days because he wants to in the world with su ruoxing what s the matter with their little kids the second treasure took off his clothes with a hula and pulled su ruoxing not to let go mommy.

Felt in a trance why did he feel that there was a tacit understanding between xiao xingchen and dabao erbao this kind of tacit understanding is like being brought from the mother s womb and exists without training but dabao.

Understanding qiao zhanchen s doubts became more intense su ruoxing who is xiao xingchen s biological father su ruoxing why did he suddenly ask this question again she hesitated trying to prevaricate little xingchen is.

So smart and cute when of course it is also a test tube baby combined with the most high end genes you sure who provides the man s genes qiao zhanchen felt su red devil male enhancement pills ingredients ruoxing s eyes dodge looking guilty but he did two paternity.

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Lady we will take you home dabao erbao and xiao xingchen looked at their confused mother and left reluctantly short the scumbag father is too insidious and mommy too simple if one day the scumbag father is a bit wicked.

Mommy will count the money for him after being sold by him daddy is reluctant to sell mommy daddy said that mommy is priceless xiao xingchen tried his best to defend the perfect daddy in her mind and did not hesitate to refute.

Dabao you are short only men understand men you girls are so easy to deceive xiao xingchen was not convinced but I can read minds I sensed it how could it be fake little xingchen you are so naive there is a word in this.

He was like a mysterious night pearl which made her want to get closer qiao zhanchen was condescending with a manipulative posture su ruoxing I solemnly ask you now little xingchen s father who is it qiao zhanchen.

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Take such a desperate risk and become the lackey of criminals destroying their own future after taking a shower su ruoxing came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel but stopped suddenly why did the light in the bedroom go.

Out something is wrong when she entered the bathroom just now the light in the bedroom was clearly on with in the room why is there a vague smell of blood a gust of cold air shot up from the soles of the feet and went.

Straight to the spine su ruoxing felt that danger was around her who no one responded but su ruoxing always felt that there was another person in the room she hastily turned on the light and looked around the room with.

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Was fixed on the quilt on the bed with a figure raised up boss someone seems to be hiding in the quilt su ruoxing s scalp tingled for a while and wu kuang was indeed hiding in the quilt seeing the men turning back to the.

Bed su ruoxing tightened his molars rushed forward and stopped him they said you it is not my husband who sent you to pretend to be the police to catch the rape right you are so courageous do you know that pretending to.

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With these people and was fired by the police wu kuang remained silent does your mother know about you su ruoxing s words touched wu kuang s heartache place he finally spoke professor su can you help me comfort my mother.

Eyes su ruoxing pulled out the silver needle on wu kuang s arm and helped him wrap it up carefully well I believe you you don t go undercover do you su ruoxing guessed it and wu kuang was removed from the police station.

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With him but let it be he treats me very well she and qiao zhanchen and after getting married qiao zhanchen did not mention the remarriage but only mentioned office romance but then I think about it after coming out of a.

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On to my family chenchen and talk about freedom at the same time lu yaning raised the phone and pointed the camera at su ruoxing su ruoxing please speak clearly now did you find another man freely do you want to completely.

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Bag she did not hear an incoming call in order to fulfill her promise to wu kuang she early in the morning I ran to the supermarket bought a lot of daily necessities and dishes and came to visit wu kuang s mother carrying.

Dumplings at this time waiting qiao zhanchen called only then did su ruoxing realize that before this there were several missed calls all of which were from qiao chixuan she wondered when did qiao chixuan call her so.

Attentively could it be that she was to be condemned because of yesterday s rape su ruoxing held the dumpling wrapper in his hand and it was inconvenient to hold the phone so he pressed the hands free button it was reported.

Of the phone suddenly roared through the radio waves he could feel his coldness and anger he is really angry in the video su ruoxing said so heartlessly he didn t want to believe it all relatives and friends condemned su.

Don t know your brother zhan chen but don t you understand he can be easily seduced by people he doesn t like is that so you are so scheming and good at acting yet you haven t seduced him let alone someone else su ruoxing.

Also knew that she was forced to explain clearly to qiao zhanchen imminent professor qiao I ll report to qiao s in the afternoon and I ll talk to you then su ruoxing hung up the phone before qiao zhanchen and qiao chixuan.

And adjust for a few days before reporting to qiao s group but since things the situation has become out of control and she decides to end her vacation early qiao zhanchen was not in the company so su ruoxing first went to.

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Appeared on su ruoxing s lips lu yaning s movements are so fast the director of the human resources department was very surprised when su ruoxing said that he wanted to join the job professor su what position are you here to.

Qiao zhanchen kindly invited her and asked her to be his deputy su ruoxing thought for a while I ll call professor qiao first to find out but she made several calls in succession but qiao zhanchen didn t answer the staff in.

The human resources department began to whisper isn t professor qiao slept with the new assistant professor su is still reluctant to break up completely and wants to cling to professor qiao professor su has also found a new.

Qiao that day was actually I said before su ruoxing finished speaking a very beautiful young girl with aura came in hello my name is qian yanan I m here to go through the entry procedures I m applying for professor qiao s.

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Enthusiasm qian yanan was a little shy but did not hide it we have just in the beginning it was love at first sight su ruoxing narrowed her eyes love at first sight ha she didn t believe it qiao zhanchen was so busy after.

Don t eat or drink I won t be able to afford it for many years su ruoxing s eye circles felt hot this bracelet is worth a lot of money but qian yanan she looks like she s dressed properly and doesn t look like a rich girl.

So qiao zhanchen really gave her the bracelet do not believe there are many people who can afford a million dollar bracelet a bracelet really doesn t mean anything the female staff asked again did professor qiao say how.

For me to answer su ruoxing knew that many girls wanted to get close to qiao zhanchen and would use various means she concluded that qian yanan was one of them one you don t dare to answer right in order to successfully.

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Go through the entry procedures and she it s here the head of the human resources department glanced sideways and found that su ruoxing had walked out of the office su ruoxing stood at the door of qiao s building looking up.

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Violated your privacy but do you really have a new boyfriend su ruoxing smiled bitterly is it true that I also talked to him it s love at first sight I ll find a young boy too everything will be evened out she left qiao.

Bodyguard immediately offered a new towel qiao zhanchen stood in su ruo in front of xing he held a towel to wipe the woman s wet hair his thin lips were pressed tightly into a cold straight line as if he didn t want to say a.

Squirmed her lips but only saying two words thank you thanking him made her taste all the emotions ups and downs and heartbreaking thank him for letting her see clearly the ruthlessness and cruelty of reality she is an old.

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Love with others casually at first sight like him but he was right she had completely lost her love if her career had not developed at all what would she have left if she becomes decadent she will not be a good role model.

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Sat face to face while qian yanan he was arranged in another laboratory with qiao zhanchen s assistants it seems that except for qian yanan s academic qualifications qiao zhanchen didn t do anything special in other aspects.

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To the party to get acquainted with everyone and I will stay here to work overtime su ruoxing tightened his molars he I really dote on qian yanan professor qiao is great qian yanan s accent made su ruoxing laugh again.

Goosebumps all over after get off work everyone in the r d department ran away regardless of whether they are single or not colleagues all go to parties to eat and drink after qiao zhanchen went to work for a while he.

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too understood su ruoxing was a little frustrated at this time she realized that her scheming was not enough and she even failed to make things difficult for others when qiao zhanchen.

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Crushing them su ruoxing read a series of wechat messages sent by wu muchi and couldn t laugh or cry within a day let her recognize the cruel situation she was already part of the divorce army she happened to be hungry and.

Since someone needed her there was no harm in having some fun su ruoxing walked out of the scientific research building and saw qiao zhanchen s car parked downstairs she seemed to see qian yanan s lipstick lying in the car.

Figured it out has always been ignored zhi led her by the nose and she felt very aggrieved and sorry for herself bang ping pong su ruoxing hit the brick again and again smashing the windshield of qiao zhanchen s car is like.

Smashing all the love for qiao zhanchen every time she hit him she warned herself that it was time to let him go the car alarm goes off the security guards rushed over and saw that su ruoxing was causing trouble all.

Editions and every small accessory has to be configured abroad this time you will at least pay a million dollars su ruoxing being willful will indeed require paying a price price then deduct it from my salary .

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qiao zhanchen.

Gave her a million dollar annual salary good guy all his willfulness was gone I was the one who broke the glass if your salary is going to be deducted it will be deducted from my scumbag father erbao came out from nowhere.

Jumped up with his small body and jumped onto the car he jumped and kicked on the car smashing qiao zhanchen s broken glass er bao be careful of glass particles su ruoxing didn t know whether to laugh or cry the second.

Treasure is the guardian angel sent by god to pamper her and protect her what s the matter qiao zhanchen s voice came from behind her su ruoxing looked back in surprise he didn t go to the party I saw a delicate gift bag in.

Qiao zhanchen showed no extra expression on his face this is the key to my private garage and there are hundreds of cars in it you can smash the car as you like su ruoxing I can t afford to pay for it she threw away the.

That professor qiao buy a car with a bullet proof function so that I a divorced woman can t stand the excitement one day and run amok with a gun qiao zhanchen didn t seem to hear su ruoxing s ridicule and suddenly said su.

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You for the rest of your life su ruoxing burst into tears she thought there was three babies are enough when did you start to rely on this man the night finally became quiet under the dim light qiao zhanchen s handsome face.

Bend okay isn t it just working for professor qiao for two more years I can still afford it but I heard that the su family is in desperate need of money now and you stabbed another big one basket not for su jiaxue to add.

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Accept her fate all she can do now is maintain her attitude and position herself qiao zhanchen is a benefactor she can not be a husband and wife but can also be a subordinate and friend she should work hard to repay him.

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Ordinary employee doesn t it live up to its name su ruoxing couldn t help but become curious do you mind if I try it qiao zhanchen I originally ordered it for her who knew that their relationship had broken down before the.

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